Source code for wpull.document.base

'''Document bases.'''
import abc

[docs]class VeryFalseType(object): def __bool__(self): return False
VeryFalse = VeryFalseType() '''Document is not definitely supported.'''
[docs]class BaseDocumentDetector(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): '''Base class for classes that detect document types.''' @classmethod
[docs] def is_supported(cls, file=None, request=None, response=None, url_info=None): '''Given the hints, return whether the document is supported. Args: file: A file object containing the document. request (:class:`.http.request.Request`): An HTTP request. response (:class:`.http.request.Response`): An HTTP response. url_info (:class:`.url.URLInfo`): A URLInfo. Returns: bool: If True, the reader should be able to read it. ''' tests = ( (response, cls.is_response), (file, cls.is_file), (request, cls.is_request), (url_info, cls.is_url) ) for instance, method in tests: if instance: try: result = method(instance) except NotImplementedError: pass else: if result: return True elif result is VeryFalse: return VeryFalse
[docs] def is_file(cls, file): '''Return whether the reader is likely able to read the file. Args: file: A file object containing the document. Returns: bool ''' raise NotImplementedError() # optional override
[docs] def is_request(cls, request): '''Return whether the request is likely supported. Args: request (:class:`.http.request.Request`): An HTTP request. Returns: bool ''' raise NotImplementedError() # optional override
[docs] def is_response(cls, response): '''Return whether the response is likely able to be read. Args: response (:class:`.http.request.Response`): An HTTP response. Returns: bool ''' raise NotImplementedError() # optional override
[docs] def is_url(cls, url_info): '''Return whether the URL is likely to be supported. Args: url_info (:class:`.url.URLInfo`): A URLInfo. Returns: bool ''' raise NotImplementedError() # optional override
[docs]class BaseTextStreamReader(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): '''Base class for document readers that filters link and non-link text.''' @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def iter_text(self, file, encoding=None): '''Return the file text and links. Args: file: A file object containing the document. encoding (str): The encoding of the document. Returns: iterator: Each item is a tuple: 1. str: The text 2. bool (or truthy value): Whether the text is a likely a link. If truthy value may be provided containing additional context of the link. The links returned are raw text and will require further processing. '''
[docs]class BaseExtractiveReader(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): '''Base class for document readers that can only extract links.'''
[docs]class BaseHTMLReader(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): '''Base class for document readers for handling SGML-like documents.''' @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def iter_elements(self, file, encoding=None): '''Return an iterator of elements found in the document. Args: file: A file object containing the document. encoding (str): The encoding of the document. Returns: iterator: Each item is an element from :mod:`.document.htmlparse.element` ''' pass